Monday, February 18, 2008

Menu Plan Monday: Week Of February 18, 2007

This week is going to be interesting and busy. I work with the youth at church, and we are leaving Friday morning to go on retreat through Sunday afternoon. So... I will need to have things frozen/easy to prepare for my sweet husband to have over the weekend!

Without further ado:

Monday: Lentil Dal, Coconut Cabbage, and Pita Bread
Tuesday: Baked Potatoes, Broccoli, Pumpkin Rolls, and Salad
Wednesday: Bean Burgers w/ Oven Baked French Fries
Thursday: Tomato Pasta (I think?)
Friday - Sunday (for my husband): Pizza, Bean Burgers, Leftovers, Quesdillas

I am also preparing one of the breakfast meals at the retreat. Here is what I am planning:
Whole Grain Pancakes
Muffins (not sure what kind yet)


I am going to make the dry mixes for the pancakes and muffins in advance. Any recommendations on muffins? I LOVE this recipe made with whole wheat flour, but I don't know if the teens will.

Mmmm... Lentil Dal for dinner!!! I better get cooking!

Head over to Org Junkie's blog for more menu plans!!


Robin said...


Thanks for sharing your menu. Have a great week!

Superha said...

you're such a great wife. if only i could cook... :)

p.s. glad you like the cards! nina